News and usage tips — scooter
dog dog training mushing snow scooter tire training scooter winter
A Kickspark Max with dog leash adapter
And if we plant trees Dad ?
arbre arbres foot scooter tree trees scooter
There is a lot of talk right now about the environment, the ecological footprint and the state of the planet that we are going to leave to our children. When I ask myself such a question, I refer to my best adviser: my son.
cani-cross cani-trottinette dog dog mushing scooter scooter
Small news among the team sports, dog scooters allows you to go on a ride with your faithful companion stowed on a scooter. This unusual driving discipline is practiced on multiple terrains, from the slopes of the city center to the less traveled trails in the countryside.
Equipments, Your Dog and You (Mushing) !
cani scooter cani-trottinette dog dog mushing scooter tire scooter
The equipment for the scooter and the dog is relatively simple, but it is essential:
Electric Scooter : Go !!
It is in the coming days that electric scooters will make a remarkable entrance in the streets of Montreal. Whether it is for or against, nothing will prevent this mode of transportation to find a place as a means of travel as much to travel the last km of an urban transport system for the simple tourist movement.