Learning a sport, learning to do physical activity are part of a successful education.

Physical activity and therefore sport are recognized as the reference activity for protecting against chronic diseases. The practice of daily physical activity can reduce the frequency of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and certain cancers, but also osteoporosis or depression.

Participation in sports activities and team sports helps children to develop their autonomy; better build their personal identity and have a better view of their skills. Sport has always been a factor of integration into society.

It is the responsibility of parents to help their children practice a sport that they have chosen if possible in a collective setting that will be different from that of the family or school.

The practice of a sport, beyond the physical and physiological effects allowing to protect oneself from the main diseases, allows to develop essential cognitive capacities in one's personal and later professional life:

- analyze a new situation with which one has just been confronted,

- understand your environment and make decisions to change it if it does not suit the situation or even worse if it puts you in danger

- take responsibility both personally and in team sports on behalf of the group

- carry out projects on the basis of objectives, for example within the framework of competition programmes. ,

- make choices according to the opportunities, the dangers to which one is exposed, for example

All of these situations that sport can confront you with greatly contribute to the development of the child's maturity.

Now the choice of sport will be based on the child's interests: team sport, winter or summer sport. The important thing is to try some sports so that the child finds his interest, his well-being and that he is happy.

Jeff Theberge

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